Saturday, March 25, 2006


so, I dare say, the best feeling in the world is sleeping for 13 hours straight and waking up to the realization I can go back to sleep for another 13 hours if I so desired. hey hey, i passed through a dark place in my life filled with caffinated all-nighters - allow me to indulge in my guilty pleasure. Only one more paper to go - afte wrting a 14 page one - I could do this 4 page one in my sleep.

factoid #1 - Another highlight was the culinary delights i experienced recently - my novel thai experience is well worth an honorary mention as the fried banana with mango icecream alone made my day. I cant remember what foods were on my plate but they were delicious.

also eric's deep fryer was used to cook donuts (gills genius idea) , nuggets and fries that were delicious but this was masked a little by the gross realization that we had used more than a litre of oil in one sitting - yuck.

factoid #2: my social psych teacher was in the news yesterday as she had been attacked by sharks in hawaii - maybe next time she'll think twice about assigning papers while she snorkels in hawaii for the week eh.

factoid #3: As Jill enlightened me, spring equinox has begun meaning an egg can be balanced on its tips - try it - funness will ensue. Her record has been leaving an egg balanced for more than 3 days! (this is my succesful attempt before it soon fell off the table and and cracked)

factoid #4 - Has anyone seen James Blunt perform on tv? His voice is amazing and his face is so emotion-ridden - he cries when he performs - intresting.

finally, lets be thankful spring has started to work its magic on our sad souls. I could do with a cheerer-up-er.

Monday, March 06, 2006


so whilst enjoying my coffee and cramming for midterms in starbucks, i have been privy to many an interesting conversation - awkward first date, awesome first date, hopeless job interview, diplomatic empolyee disciplining to mention a few. yes - this has been the highlite of my current week- i swear i dont mean to be nosy but i must say these moments have provided me entertainment and hilarity.
Being on a budget sucks ass. especially when ure careful with your money in the first place. how do broke students have a life? ne tips?
Lastly, kudos to Kim&Ali who had an amazing Thailand experience complete with squatting toilets, Ron&Lane who are back in Edmonton planning a wedding, Darja who bought a beautiful black fender guitar, Cailtin&Marcus who decided to go to Europe in the summer, James who is one step closer to joining the RCMP, Sarah who got accepted to go study in Scotland next year and Ruth Cummings who became Granville's first woman speaker.
PS:The guy on the bus is in the army and wants to get posted in Dubai - he's a smart cookie - dubai is kickass.