so whilst enjoying my coffee and cramming for midterms in starbucks, i have been privy to many an interesting conversation - awkward first date, awesome first date, hopeless job interview, diplomatic empolyee disciplining to mention a few. yes - this has been the highlite of my current week- i swear i dont mean to be nosy but i must say these moments have provided me entertainment and hilarity.
Being on a budget sucks ass. especially when ure careful with your money in the first place. how do broke students have a life? ne tips?
Lastly, kudos to Kim&Ali who had an amazing Thailand experience complete with squatting toilets, Ron&Lane who are back in Edmonton planning a wedding, Darja who bought a beautiful black fender guitar, Cailtin&Marcus who decided to go to Europe in the summer, James who is one step closer to joining the RCMP, Sarah who got accepted to go study in Scotland next year and Ruth Cummings who became Granville's first woman speaker.
PS:The guy on the bus is in the army and wants to get posted in Dubai - he's a smart cookie - dubai is kickass.
Being on a budget sucks ass. especially when ure careful with your money in the first place. how do broke students have a life? ne tips?
Lastly, kudos to Kim&Ali who had an amazing Thailand experience complete with squatting toilets, Ron&Lane who are back in Edmonton planning a wedding, Darja who bought a beautiful black fender guitar, Cailtin&Marcus who decided to go to Europe in the summer, James who is one step closer to joining the RCMP, Sarah who got accepted to go study in Scotland next year and Ruth Cummings who became Granville's first woman speaker.
PS:The guy on the bus is in the army and wants to get posted in Dubai - he's a smart cookie - dubai is kickass.
Just to clarify, Sue, Ruth was the third woman speaker at Granville, not the first. But that doesn't really matter because she was awesome anyways:)
sue, i say we need to hit blenz again.. cuz u know, we just have to. have a good week darlin.
courteeny, sounds like a plan. have a rockin time in Seattle - call me when u get back- im in dire need of a haircut :| - hope the chu clan is a-ok.
dear g-dawg, i will see you soon where you will proceed to enlighten me regarding my purpose in life.
i think milkshakes are in order next weekend.
Woah sue, meeting random Dubai-loving people on the bus? Does this mean u've embraced your bus conversationalist calling?
haha. no. i was eavesdropping again. shoot.
whats this i read? u're coming home in july? wooo
susie! what is with your lack of blogs lately?
SUe- i need dates for camp and road trips ASAP!! - kim
yeah, sue... where are the blogs?!
mmm... thai food was amazing.
Eric, I think I've found your twin. He has the same name as you and you guys talk and act exactly the same way. It's pretty crazy.
is he asian? don't tell me his asian. lol.
where did you meet "me"?
yes he's asian. i met him in one of my tutorials. he lives in surrey so we sometimes ride the skytrain together. i wish there was some way you could hear him speak without it seeming like a set up. until then, you'll just have to take my word for it.
well if he lives in surrey, he is DEFINATELY not like me. LOL. oh surrey.
hahaha, oh eric.
btw, get a blog so that we don't have to fill up sue's comments. (sorry sue!)
eric does need a blog so he can rant and wont explode with suppressed anger :)
well..u're scary looking..and ure not even old :|
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