Saturday, January 09, 2010

The essence of Sue in 25 things.

Shocking. Last blog dated Feb 2007. Almost three whole years since I have unleashed my musings. In an effort to re-acquaint the blogging world with the joy of me, I am posing a Facebook note that spoke of all things that were truly 'me'. However, this was also created one year ago, so I will update it with current developments and goings-on.

The essence of Sue in 25 things
1. I love rain. I understand it makes most people depressed but it has the opposite effect on me. The sound raindrops make when they hit my umbrella makes me want to sing. Oh yea, I love rain because it probably matches my dark black soul.
**Rain still matches my dark soul. The world smells as it should only after a good drizzle.

2. I love to sing. especially in the shower. People ask me how I learned to sing harmony. Its because I can't sing the melody line of most songs. A mixed blessing.
**I didn't realize I don't sing much anymore till reading this. Combination of not going to church regularly and apparently not showering enough. Bummer.

3. I love music. There is nothing that touches my soul more. It is kind of awful but most of the time, I don't know lyrics to songs. There is just something in the musical creation itself. I also play the bass, guitar and piano but Im not amazing at any.. just mediocrely good. I have my seasons with each instrument while the others lay gathering dust. This semester, I am going to re-discover the piano. YES!
**My musicality is for me and me alone. When I play, it is a time for many things: a concert for one, a theraputic release, a place to vent, a language to express words that cannot be uttered, a creation to be birthed, a prize to be kept hidden. I have never felt comfortable calling myself a musician, one who harnessed their musical talent into a repetoire of musical products. My musical creations were to be used and enjoyed in the moment, but later forgotten. Conversely, I love supplementing other people's musical creations. Adding harmonies, little keyboard tinkles, a new bass line.....tweaking and sharing in a musical display for something that is not mine somehow brings me much joy.

4. My love languages are "words of encouragement" and "quality time". So remember to spend time with me and tell me how friggin awesome I am ;)
**Nothing new. I'm still needy :P

5. I love people a lot. I also get disappointed with people a lot. But I can never tell them so I will just ignore them for a while as payback. Gosh, I am so glad those psychology courses I took are finally paying off;)
**Changed! Although I still sometimes ineffectively communicate my disappointment through implicit (and un-noticable) modes of communication, I am learning to lay it on the line and speak my mind. This has led to disastrous outcomes but I assume that I will find a happy medium over time.

6. When I was younger, I was affectionately (?!) called sue-sue which means pee in my language.
**I have no more brown friends to fear this coming up. Thank goodness Dan has the memory of an old man.

7. When I was 10-12, I used to eat ice-cream for breakfast, brunch and lunch. Pistachio and mango. mmmmhmmmmmm! Also, I will always trade ice-cream or any form of dessert for real food. No question.
**That's ME....

8. I don't have my L.
**HAHA. Still don't. Oh deary. No fear, a fire has been lighted under my bum - my job is dependent on it! As a school psychologist, you have 3-5 schools under your wings. More importantly, you have test kits that fit into whole suitcase to lug around to the 3-5 schools in a day. Its bad when your supervior tells you that you are one of the more "challenging" students to place because you don't know how to drive. Its also bad when kids who were not born yet when you were in double digits, now have their licence. I still maintain that I will be a fast learner because I kick ass in go-karting.

9. When I got into University, I was so jealous that the people in the Faculty of Art painted and drew all day.

10. I am very proud of my 1/64 Jewish heritage. I try and drop it into normal conversation as much as possible. It is definetly legit and no one can tells me otherwise (even though an Israeli girl did try once - ppssshhhhhh).
**'Nuff said

11. As a kid, I would read and re-read my books all day everyday. I never played with my brother but he turned out alright. But, as a result of perusing worded pages all dahen y, I never learned essential kid skills like riding a bike, rollerblading, ice-skating, climbing trees which now I have to make up for.
**I love to re-read books over and over and over again. Its like I put the knowledge of how the book ends in another part of my brain under lock and key. I think its because I'm such a fast reader that I miss many details the first, second, third time so that each time I get some new pieces of the book every time. This also limits the number of new books I want to read because I'm still catching up with the old ones!

12. Even though I didn't play with my brother, I was a tomboy and played with all the other boys. We would always fight for this particular room in my church to play in and I would always fight on behalf of all the girls. And I would win. Then the girls would put on dance shows and play with Barbies.
**I bet I could still take them on now. I'm a fiesty one!

13. My brother gave me a black eye once and HE started crying right after. Does this fit? Sorry, I just wanted to put that somewhere.
**This makes me laugh out loud every time I read it.

14. My life is an organized mess. I love organizing ONLY when I have more important things to do. Like I spent all day today cleaning my room only because I have 2 papers due on Tuesday. Oh yea, and Im writing this note......
**Organization is the bane of my existance.

15. I will wash dishes, sweep, vacuum, dust and do any chore as long as I don't have to cook. If it were up to me, I would eat sandwiches (and ice-cream) all day long. I don't hate cooking. I just hate how long it takes and how I can't open up the fridge and just start tossing things in to create deliciousness. Also, I think other people's cooking always tastes better than my own. Maybe its because they can make things other than burned charcoal.
**in spite of my apathy and distaste of cooking, I love watching cooking shows. Its all about living vicariously through others.

16. You will never see me without a hot drink in my right hand. I am a very slow hot drink drinker. If I bought a coffee at 9am, I would still be enjoying it at 11-12. I like the best of both worlds: hot--->iced coffee. On a side note, I have recently switched to tea. Specifically, Earl's Grey is da bomb. And thanks to Carla and my handy-dandy MEC mug, my tea stays hot for more than 5 hours.
**Switched back to regular good ol coffee. I must be coffee-shops' biggest customer. Now, I have a schedule of visiting a string of regular coffeeshops on specific days - gotta spread the love.

17. I love the scar on my face my 'battle scar'. It adds character. And you should see what the other girl looked like after the fight..... ;)
**Although apparently my dad cringes everytime he sees my face because of this scar, it has become a part of my face that seems to have always been there. I love it lots.

18. I love accents. If you were a boy, who had an accent, and was a musician...gosh, that's like 10 bonus points right there. There was a period of time when I used my British accent so often that it would inadventently pop out when I didn't mean to which was a little scary. Also, I have been told that my accent is too fake which has made me all the more determined to perfect it. HA
**I roadtripped with a friend to Seattle and spoke with an accent the entire trip. I think she wanted to strangle me by the end. She didn't think I was very good either.

19. I hate reading my thoughts on paper. I kept a joural for a week and when I read it a year later, I ripped it to shreds. This is why I can't write songs. which makes me feel very un-musicanish.
**Not going to lie, it was hard not to delete the previous blogposts.

20. I hate insects or anything that crawls or has feelers. It is the only thing that I would happily ask a boy to take care of.
**I killed my first spider at a friend's house this year. Living in appartments doesn't prepare for the creepy crawlies that abound in houses. All it took was one newspaper, one box, and one loud and strong battlecry to carry out the deed. The entire episode lasted a full 30 minutes with the pep talks and false starts. Gosh, I'm such a girl.

21. I could hang out in coffeeshops all day long. I think 4-5 on a Sunday with Jill and Amy was the most in a day. This also probably explains my depleted bank account and caffine addiction.
**Coffeshops are the best for many reasons. Comfy seats, being around people without having to interact with them or opportunities to meet new people, sometimes having a comfortable level of white noise, other times being a source for very interesting eavesdroppings! I'm been privy to job interviews, breakups, awkward first dates, office gossips, fights, concerned friends, parental pep talks....

22. I love water. I love being above, in front on, beside, on top of any body of water. I just hate being inside the water.
**being near water soothes my soul making me at peace with the chaotic world.

23. I am a horrible decision-maker. I will flop-flop and flippity-flop a hundred times. But usually once I make a decision, it feels right and I have no regrets.

24. I have recently sold my soul to a day timer. I hate it with a passion. I hate that my spontaneity has been bridled and I haveto have my day scheduled into fixed blocks of time. I will probably burn it at the end of the year.
*Ugh. Day planners kill the soul.

25. I love camping but I lack basic survival knowledge. On a camping trip this summer, I picked up a few tips such as bringing an axe, fire-starter and matchsticks are essential in starting a fire. Maybe I can bring my day planner as firestarter next time. Also, having a sleeping bag that doesn't let out the heat (because it was bought in the deserts of Dubai) is definetly not a good thing.
*One of my most loved things: the smell of a campfire. One of my other most loved things: eating hotdogs toasted in the campfire. One of my third most loved things: going home with all my clothes smelling of the campfire, which won't be washed for weeks to preserve the smell. Stars, fireflies, nature, good company also make camping a favourite activity.

***I have successfully boiled down the essence of sue into 25 things. I suppose I am but a simple soul.


Blogger Jillian said...

Love it! Love Sue!

I enjoyed reading this again with the additional tidbits. You have a beautiful soul!

1:50 PM  

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