Monday, September 25, 2006


me thinks a quick update in order. School has once again resumed sucking my soul....(in a good way). My most interesting class by far is Indian Mythology. Since I only am an Indian by skin colour with no knowledge of its past or traditions, it is cool to learn of its fascinating but decidedly bizarre origins. My prof is one of those bumbling young passionate ones who are espcially cute when teaching - I like mucho but he is a hard hard man - 100 pages of reading for every class = BOO.
My schedule sucks ass :( In addition to full-time school, I volunteer at a psych lab studying creativity and mindwandering (very cool!) along with being a junior leader at granville (i have more fun that the kids) - meaning I will have no social life this semester.....please don't forget what i look like.
Much love,
PS: To the Killers: Please please PLEASE put more tickets on have no idea how happy you would make me.