figures that after being lulled into pleasant complaceny by temporary peace I would crash into reality with a god-awful day from start to finish. I am frustrated. frustrated with people who for the most part are great but then somehow manage to forget their behaviour affects other people - maybe it would be an excuse if they were ignorant of their hurtful ways but knowingly not caring abouts ins conseqences makes it so much aggravating.
maybe its me - i have unreasonable expectations of how people ought to behave - maybe i need to develop thick skin and learn to not be affected - i don't understand why our best intentions always conflict with each others - how can we all have different points of view that are equally valid and important to us but cannot translate to each other? don't you wish you could play-back your questionable/hurtful actions in order to justify it to the recipient - if only they knew the underlying motivation behind why i acted this way, Im sure they would understand, maybe even agree that it was the only course of action?
maybe i should just get off my high horse and realize i am most guilty of self-preservation myself- maybe i think of myself as superior in the areas of empathy and kindness and measure everyone upto those standards but am blind to the actual plight of everyone around me because i only notice when things don't go measure up to my "standard" which is meaningless and probably full of self-righteous crap.
...maybe i should just go to bed to end today faster.