grace like rain falls down on me

so ive returned from a glorious week at camp - words can't express how i feel - this year it was way more emotional leaving staff and kids than last year - (and somehow they're all taller than me ~sigh)

** I was scared going up being music leader as i only had a guitarist (me), a lead singer and drummer and i was scared because I had never played guitar in front of people before - let alone 100 girls but at camp, I found a flutist, sax player, pianist, 3 vocalists along with a part-time bassist and jambe that not

**Another special moment was the last night in chapel when I saw girls crying because it would be their last year at girls' camp.
**Also, going about camp and listening to girls singing snatches of "grace like rain"
Anyways, I could go on and on.......but in a nutshell, I haven't felt so energized in a long time inspite of lack of sleep the whole week - I can't wait to do another week at Anvil.
God, you are too cool.