Sunday, December 18, 2005

happy things still do happen

i wasnt going to post anything but i just found out that jen L is engaged and im overflowing in happiness for her. we all knew it was coming - some of us probably drove her crazy with checking her left hand for the ring every time they saw her - but its still happy when it happens. i guess this is prime engagement time: jordan and jenny too and many potentials? but it isnt even spring yet :S

armed with my venti sized coffee and eric's laptop i ventured into the library for the first time by myself to study. it was beautiful. ive never worked so hard on chem - i even quite liked it for a bit. all my hard work and resolve vasnished when the library closed and it took me 7 hours to get back to work at home.

hell is over tomorow. weee

oh - im not going to camp anymore coz they have an overabundance of staff so i volunteered not to go. aw shucks.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


i love kids.
I love watching them be fascinated by mundane things. i love hearing them sing nonsensical songs in angelic voices. i love hearing them talk in make-believe. I love their no-nonsence tell-it-like-it-is approach. they're so innocent and beautiful.
working at kumon almost makes up for the shit pay even though sometimes the older ones know more than me about rules of grammar. its crazy how absorbant they are and how they learn so much in so little time. Did you know that humans have a critical age in childhood where our brain vacuums up knowledge and abilites with effortless ease and skilll like there's no tomorow which we lose as time goes by. That is why I ski on my butt at whistler while there are 5 yr olds tackling freaking triple black diamonds.

monday seems like forever. die chem die.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


I have nothing to say other than today was a gorgeous day. I go to UBC and see the last pitiful remains of snow on the golf course still looking beautiful to me in bright sunlight - it makes me smile.
I like rain too. Like, when you're under your umbrella and hear raindrops plonk and everything smells fresh - thunderstorms are like a present.
I love autumn and the huge pile of every-imaginable-shade-of-yellow-orange-red-brown leaves just waiting for me to wade through.
I cant believe its summer in some parts of the world and they have Christmas with no snow but a Santa Claus on the beach in a speedo - oi (thats for you kimmers)

New going-ons:
*I eat, sleep, dream nightmares of chem but am not motivated to learn it. but i dropped my chem course next semester (coulnt bring myself to drop bio too).... one baby step closer to being an exclusive arts student.
*i "may" have found my calling: educational psycologist assessing learning disabilities in children - exciting prospects.
*ive druken 9 coffees and 1 eggnog latte in the past 3 days. (i was a latte virgin before - they're my new find)

Music: In Medias Res - Shake Her

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


man, i have never enjoyed studying anything more than i enjoy studying psych. I know you are probably a skeptic like the rest of the masses: think psych is bull and not a valid science as there are explanations for everything and your own behaviour/thoughts/strengthes are unique (false uniqueness effect)and unpredictable. You are also wary of me turning into an over-analzing psycho-babbler who will make you sit on my couch and interpret your dreams while analzing while you wore that blue shirt with that disastourously ugly orange pair of slacks. ugh

However, I recommend social psych to everyone, you have no idea how applicable psych is to everything and how common sense it may be. For example, things ive learned:
1) to make future girlfriend/boyfriend like you more , take them to a scary movie as they will think their arousal while watching the scary movie is due to attraction for you and not because they're scared.

2) mild punishment vs serve punishment works better as severe punishment teaches child to avoid activity only to avoid punishment (but attractiveness of the activity is heightened and child may engage in it once you the evil punisher isnt around) but mild punishment teaches child to actually change their own view of forbidden activity as they're not threatened with severe punishment and therefore must not like it.

3) Cognitive dissonace (caused by when u're actions are contrary to your values) can actually change your values. For example, two people both have initial values (think cheating is bad) want to go to med school, must ace final and realize they're not going to do well unless they cheat - cognitve dissonace created no matter what they do:
a)if you dont cheat (moral person) but low chance of getting accepted (i just ruined chances) = people who cheat are immoral despicable ppl.
b)If you cheat (everyone does it), good chances of getting accepted = change views to be lenient towards cheating.

4)people dislike others more after doing THEM harm (wars) but people like others more after doing them a favour.

5) people actually believe a lie they've told ONLY if there is no reward for lying - they actually change their beliefs to justify lying vs people who lie to others for a reward.

6) Emotions are arbitrary : you feel arousal and then seek plausible explanations to explain what emotion that is. Also, you can change your emotion by changing the explanation of arousal.

7) Subliminal messaging doesnt work even though ppl are convinced they have been influenced by them.

yes, i have a final tomorow therefore this is all vegetating in my head. i just randomly wrote those down, there's tons more like what type of advertising makes you buy products, where to places product to increase sales, how people justify their illogical actions, when do attitudes predict bhaviour. if you dont think this is super fascinating, wait till tomorow when i study abnormal psych. wooo

after psych is over, its going to be so depressing studyng for chem and bio :(

MUSIC: Wintersleep album - sweet indie goodness.

Friday, December 02, 2005

20 - whaa?

happy birthday to me. im offically old.
thank you to the friends from near and far who made my day special by remembering- espcailly Darja who waited till the stroke of midnite to send me a brithday song with MC Hammer dance moves.
i feel uber love that has inflated my ego to new heights - u guys rock.